



  • 公司名稱南京科邇沃系統(tǒng)工程有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地南京市
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2018/5/25 7:40:02
  • 訪問次數(shù)803


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□公司發(fā)展歷程:1999年,企業(yè)前身為外企駐華辦事機構。2002年,機構脫離美國駐華辦,于內地獨立注冊為中國性質工商企業(yè)。2004年,企業(yè)改名為CUNIN FLUID(南京)有限公司。同年投資組建“CUNIN FLUID足球俱樂部”,注冊球員22名,其中*隊員3名,乙級隊員5名,在省級足球聯(lián)賽中取得。2005年,與南京工業(yè)大學水質穩(wěn)定研究室正式合作,聘請沈鴻澧教授為我公司高級技術顧問,享受*特殊津貼,獲國家科學進步二等獎,化工部、江蘇省科學技術三等獎。2005-2006年,成立電氣設計及機械設備研發(fā)生產中心,成為一家集開發(fā)、設計、制造和安裝、銷售及售后服務為一體的*。2009-2010年,水處理事業(yè)部銷售額突破1億元人民幣,技術服務范圍擴大至內地和沿海地區(qū)絕大部分省市,努力為客戶提供更加專業(yè)和及時的現(xiàn)場技術支持。




















Aquafine紫外線殺菌器 產品信息


Aquafine UV紫外線殺菌器機型系列如下:
◇Aquafine CSL Series:
The Aquafine CSL Series features a compact design that incorporates a UV treatment chamber with an electrical cabinet base that contains all electrical components and instrumentation. These compact, one-piece UV models are engineered for indoor installations and controlled operating environments. The CSL series is used in laboratory, hospital, and ho installations, as well as cosmetic, pharmaceutical and semiconductor manufacturing processes.
◇Aquafine SP Series:
The SP Series models produce little change in water temperature,even after prolonged periods of no water flow,making them ideal for such applications as water for vending machines. SP and SL Series units provide a compact design and economical ultraviolet water treatment for low-flow applications,such as laboratory and medical facility water,pharmaceutical make-up processes,final electronic component rinsing and recirculation loops,to name a few.
◇Aquafine RBE Series:
Aquafine RBE Models feature a UV treatment chamber connected by a flexible, liquid-tight conduit to a separate electrical control panel. Aquafine RBE Models feature a UV treatment chamber connected by a flexible, liquid-tight conduit to a separate electrical control panel.
◇Aquafine SCD Series:
The Aquafine SCD Series utilizes less floor space and provides higher flow rates with fewer lamps. These models maximize efficiency in high-volume, high-UV transmission applications with the flexibility to serve both indoor and outdoor locations. The SCD series’two-piece construction allows you to choose either the compactness of an attached electrical control cabinet, or the convenience of an optional remoy located cabinet.
◇Aquafine USD Series:      
Aquafine USD(UniversalSanitary Design)UV models are thenew standard inultraviolettechnology forhighly criticalindustrial watertreatment systems. Developed for use in biopharmaceutical applications, the USD series isperfect for any pure water application with stringent quality or performance criteria such as those of theFDA, cGMP and 3A/USDA.With a family of 10 different models ranging from 40 to 630 GPM, the USD can serve most any medium flow rate process.All models are UL-certified except models 4R and 6R (UL-listed with Aqualogic option).
◇Aquafine PVC Series:
The PVCL series is constructed so that all electrical components and instrumentation are located in the stainless steel cabinet base attached below the PVC treatment chamber.Aquafine PBV models consist primarily of two series of units. Both series incorporate a PVC UV treatment chamber. The PVCL series is constructed so that all electrical components and instrumentation are located in the stainless steel cabinet base attached below the PVC treatment chamber.
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