


3 gals and 5 gals barreled water filling machine

  • 公司名稱Guangzhou Junsheng Light Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd.
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地廣州市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時(shí)間2017/5/11 7:07:59
  • 訪問次數(shù)687

barreled waterfilling machine



聯(lián)系我們時(shí)請說明是 食品機(jī)械設(shè)備網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

Guangzhou Junsheng Light Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd. is a private company, a manufacturer that provides technology solutions to liquid filling machines. The company was founded by a group of Ph. Ds who were educated in England, United Kingdom and Chinese experts in food machinery industry. Originated from Italian and German technology, Junsheng aims for technology innovations and product development and has independently developed many national patented products and technology. Our products are widely used in liquid filling of water, beverages, edible oil, spices, alcohol, and daily chemical. 

Our  marketing  goal  is  to  have  the  market  share  of  mainstream  domestic  market  and international market through exports. Technology is the backbone of our company. Instead of relying  on  imported  technology,  we  are  fully  utilizing  our  own  existing  technology  with selection of established supporting technologies from other important players in the industry. 

The 3 gals and 5 gals barreled water filling machine have four part, automatic loader system,rinsing system,filling system and capping system.
3 gals and 5 gals barreled water filling machine 產(chǎn)品信息

    Filling craft and structure installs for our company independent innovative design, uses the great current capacity to fill installs fills the attire with the quota to complete.Fills installs the valve for the stainless aluminium casting processing,is equipped with the seal with the standard lai cirle and the guidance link,avoids between the metal rubbing,controls by the air cylinder,use stable reliable.In fills installs in the process,after the cleaning five gallons barels by transport the chain to deliver to lose the bottle screw rod,after losing the bottle screw rod separates evenly the barrel,to induct the spider,the spider inducts the barrel filling installs the system,when fills installs the air cylinder bumps into the limit switch,the air cylinder downward movement,opens fills installs the valve to start to fill the attire ,when after filling the attire finished,the air cylinder and the limit switch bump,the air cylinder upward movement,filled installs the valve closure,after filling installed five gallons barrels by the spider to derive,by transported the chain to deliver to sealing;Fills installs place is loaded with 12 to fill installs the valve continuous working to fill the attire,thus fills satisfiedly installs the speed request,simultaneously as a result of limit switch's control,achieves the fluid position to be accurate,does not spray water,does not waste the end product water,does not rise the bottle to fill superiorly installs the effect.

    Capping device operates a covered storage bins,rotary-covered grounds,under the cover slot tail(based on customer needs)finished with regular water flushing devices covered.

    The lid uses the stainless steel chain link to seal continuously.

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