



參考價 280
訂貨量 ≥1
  • 公司名稱安科瑞電子商務(上海)有限公司
  • 品       牌Acrel/安科瑞
  • 型       號ATE100M
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時間2023/8/24 13:49:08
  • 訪問次數(shù)352
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  安科瑞電子商務(上海)有限公司于2017年成立,是一家以內(nèi)外貿(mào)B2C電子商務運營為核心業(yè)務的電子商務公司。公司采用先進的網(wǎng)絡技術與嚴謹?shù)墓芾碇贫?,堅持以“讓客戶滿意”為服務宗旨。公司現(xiàn)有電子商務國內(nèi)團隊和海外團隊。 國內(nèi)團隊在京東、天貓、阿里巴巴等電商平臺均設立了銷售渠道,開發(fā)了“安科瑞直通車”微信小程序。海外團隊在Alibaba、亞馬遜等電商平臺設立了銷售渠道,并建立了德國、印度尼西亞、新加坡、美國、英國、西班牙等國的網(wǎng)站??蛻艨赏ㄟ^在線咨詢并在線自助下單,快速完成樣品采購。公司面向全國并穩(wěn)步拓展海外市場,線上線下結合為用戶提供良好的服務體驗。



ATE 系列無線測溫傳感器根據(jù) 《NB/T 42086-2016 無線測溫裝置技術要求》 開發(fā),可用于3~35kV 戶內(nèi)開關柜,包括中置柜、手車柜、固定柜、環(huán)網(wǎng)柜等多種開關柜;也可用于 0.4kV 低壓柜,包括固定柜,抽屜柜等。無線測溫傳感器可安裝于柜內(nèi)任何發(fā)熱點上,利用無線數(shù)據(jù)傳輸技術實時發(fā)送監(jiān)測數(shù)據(jù),再通過接收裝置將溫度數(shù)據(jù)傳輸?shù)斤@示裝置或者遠程監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)。高壓斷路器測溫系統(tǒng)
高壓斷路器測溫系統(tǒng) 產(chǎn)品信息

1 安裝指南

1 Installation Guide

1.1 產(chǎn)品概述

1.1 Product Introduction

ATE 系列無線測溫傳感器根據(jù) 《NB/T 42086-2016 無線測溫裝置技術要求》 開發(fā),可用于3~35kV 戶內(nèi)開關柜,包括中置柜、手車柜、固定柜、環(huán)網(wǎng)柜等多種開關柜;也可用于 0.4kV 低壓柜,包括固定柜,抽屜柜等。無線測溫傳感器可安裝于柜內(nèi)任何發(fā)熱點上,利用無線數(shù)據(jù)傳輸技術實時發(fā)送監(jiān)測數(shù)據(jù),再通過接收裝置將溫度數(shù)據(jù)傳輸?shù)斤@示裝置或者遠程監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)。

ATE series wireless temperature measuring sensor has been developed in compliance withSpecification for Wireless Temperature Measuring equipment, NB/T 42086-2016. It is suitable for 3-35kVindoor switchgears, including built-in switchgears, handcart switchgears, fixed switchgears and loop-netswitchgears. It is also suitable for 0.4kV low-voltage switchgears such as fixed switchgears and drawerswitchgears. The wireless temperature sensors can be installed at any heating point in switchgears, thedevice utilizes the wireless data transmission technology for real-time transmission of monitoredtemperature data. In addition, it can be transmitted to display device or remote intelligent monitoring system.

1.2 型號說明 

1.2 Type Introduction


1.3 技術指標

1.3 Technical Features




1.4 產(chǎn)品安裝

1.4 Product Installation


There are several types of wireless temperature sensors and mounting methods correspondingly, i.e.Magnetic , bolted , belt and alloy chip fixing.

1.4.1 外形尺寸

1.4.1 Shape Size



1.4.2 標簽說明

1.4.2 Label Instructions ATE 傳感器搭配 ASD/ARTM-Pn 裝置 ATE sensor with ASD/ARTM-Pn device


如 果 安 裝 ATE100M/ATE100/ATE200/ATE400/ATE100P/ATE200P , 其 組 號 應 與 顯 示 裝 置ASD/ARTM-Pn 的標簽組號一致,安裝位置依照標簽文字安裝,“編碼:1A”為安裝第一個 A 相,“編碼:1B”為安裝第一個 B 相,以此類推。

If the sensor is ATE100M/ATE100/ATE200/ATE400/ATE100P/ATE200P, the number behind “組號(Group):” should be the same as ASD/ARTM-Pn, the sequence of installation is base on the label, “編碼(Code):1A” is first one on the phase A, “編碼(Code):1B” is first one on the phase B,and soon.


Notice: wireless temperature sensors and display device in the package have been matchedbefore delivery. Do not use them with other display device or other wireless temperature sensorstogether. Please installing them with label on the sensor. ATE 傳感器搭配 ATC600-C ATE sensor with ATC600-C


如圖所示,如果安裝 ATE100M/ATE100/ATE200/ATE400/ATE100P/ATE200P/ATE300P,其組號 應與 ATC600-C 的組號一致,安裝位置依照標簽文字安裝,“編碼:001”建議安裝在第一個柜子的 第一個測溫點,再依次按照測溫點順序安裝。

According to the above pictures, If the sensor is ATE100M/100/200/400/100P/200P/300P, the group number of ATE must be same as the group number of ATC600-C and the installation order is base on the label. The code of each sensor is used to distingguish each sensor from same group. “編碼(code): 001” is recommended to be installed on the first temperature measuring point of the first cabinet, and then installed other sensors in this order. ATE300M 傳感器搭配 ATC600-M 收發(fā)器 ATE300M sensor with ATC600-M coordinator


如果安裝 ATE300M 傳感器,其組號應與 ATC600-M 的組號一致,安裝位置依照標簽文字安裝,“編碼:001”建議安裝在第一個柜內(nèi),再依次按照測溫點順序安裝。

If the sensor is ATE300M, the group number of ATE must be same with the group number ofATC600-M and the installation order is base on the label. The code of each sensor is used to distingguisheach sensor from same group. “編碼(code): 001” is recommended to be installed on the first cabinet,

1.4.3 安裝方法

1.4.3 Installation Method ATE100M 安裝方法 ATE100M Installation Method

ATE100M 磁吸式無線測溫傳感器適用于鐵質(zhì)的電氣節(jié)點或設備表面。

The magnetic wireless sensor ATE100M is suitable for iron electrical nodes or equipment surfaces.

磁吸式無線溫度傳感器 ATE100M 結構說明:

Structure introduction of ATE100M:

1 —— 無線溫度傳感器主體 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE100M

2—— 測溫部位 Thermo-sensitive part

3 —— 電池開關 battery switch



Adsorbed directly at the iron temperature measuring point, open the battery switch before installation,the power indicator flashes twice. The installation examples see images below. ATE100 安裝方法 ATE100 Installation Method

ATE100 螺栓式無線測溫傳感器適用于電纜與母排搭接處,電纜與隔離刀閘搭接處。

The bolted type wireless sensor ATE100 is suitable for use at joints between cable and bus bar andjoints between cable and disconnector.

ATE100 螺栓式無線溫度傳感器結構說明:

ATE100 structure introduction:

1 —— 無線溫度傳感器主體 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE100

2 —— 測溫部位 Thermo-sensitive part

3 —— 電池開關 battery switch



Remove the screw from the joints, and fixing the sensor on the position with the hole on the alloy baseplate, then tighten the screw, open the battery switch before installation, the power indicator flashestwice. The installation examples see images below.

image.png ATE200 安裝方法 ATE200 Installation Method

ATE200 表帶式無線測溫傳感器適用于斷路器動觸頭、靜觸頭、電纜接頭、母排等處。

The strap-secured type called ATE200 is suitable for use at moving contacts and fixed contacts of breaker, cable joints and bus bar.


ATE200 structure introduction:

1 —— 無線溫度傳感器主體,測溫探頭在背面 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE200,temperature measuring probe is on the other side

2 —— 表帶及鎖扣 strap and hasp

3 —— 電池開關 battery switch



注:ATE200 可安裝靜觸頭,銅排,電纜頭。

Fixing the body of sensor on the position, then strapping it on the bus bar or breaker contact and frapping it through the hole on the strap, fixing the strap by hasp. Clipping the strap if it is too long when finished, if it is too short, contacting us for strap parts before installation. Open the battery switch before installation, the power indicator flashes twice.The installation examples see images below.

Note: ATE200 can be installed with fixed contact, copper plate and cable head.

image.png ATE400 安裝方法 ATE400 Installation Method

ATE400 迷你型無線溫度傳感器適用于動觸頭,母排,電纜,母排、電纜搭接處等多種場合。

The mini type called ATE400 is suitable for using at moving contacts, bus bars, cables and joints between bus bar and cable.


Mini type passive temperature sensor structure introduction:

1 —— 溫度傳感器主體 The core of wireless temperature sensor ATE400

2 —— 合金底座,與溫度探頭接觸 alloy bottom, touched with temperature probe

3 —— 鎖扣,用于固定合金片 metal hasp, for fixing alloy chip

4 —— 取電合金片,用于感應取電 alloy chip, for CT-powered

5 —— 硅膠墊片,用于支撐合金片 silicone gasket, used to support the alloy chip

6 —— 合金片安裝孔,用于安裝合金片 alloy chip hole, used to install the alloy chip


取 2 根合金片穿過鎖緊件安裝孔,將合金片居中對折后鎖緊件固定在折彎處;將對折后的 4 層合金片分別穿過硅膠墊片-傳感器主體-硅膠墊片;將整體傳感器環(huán)繞安裝部位一圈后拉緊合金片并旋緊螺絲;合金片多余部分留取適當長度并折疊壓緊。合金片安裝示意過程如下:

注:ATE400 可安裝靜觸頭,銅排,電纜頭; 如需安裝動觸頭,需要考慮梅花頭及套筒高度是否足夠。

Firstly, take 2 pieces of alloy chips through the mounting hole of metal hasp, meanwhile fold the alloy chips and fix the metal hasp in the middle of alloy chips. Secondly, take the folded alloy chips through one silicone gasket, the core of ATE400 and another silicone gasket in turn.Thirdly, circle the whole alloy chips around the mounting position and tension the alloy chips, then tighten the screw on the metal hasp. Finally, subtract the excess alloy chips. The complete installation process is shown in Figures 1 to 4.

Note: ATE400 can be installed with fixed contact, copper plate and cable head; If it is necessary to install moving contacts, it is necessary to consider the height of plum blossom head and sleeve is sufficient.


ATE400 無線溫度傳感器安裝實例如下:

The wireless temperature sensor called ATE400 installation examples, see images below.

image.png ATE300M 安裝方法 ATE300M Installation Method

ATE300M 多回路式溫度傳感器適用于低壓柜內(nèi)電氣接頭等多種場合。

Ate300M multi circuit temperature sensor is applicable to various occasions such as electrical connectors in low-voltage cabinet.


將傳感器主體在柜內(nèi)合適位置通過導軌或者扎帶捆綁的方式固定好;NTC 探頭通過螺絲、捆綁或硅膠粘貼等方式固定。用 AC/DC 85~265V 電源給傳感器供電,上電時電源指示燈紅燈閃爍 2 次。

Fix the sensor body in a suitable position inside the cabinet by binding it with guide rails or straps;The NTC probe is fixed by means of screws,bundling, or silicone bonding. Power the sensor with an AC/DC 85-265V power supply, and the power indicator light flashes red twice when powered on. ATE300P 安裝方法 ATE300P Installation Method

ATE300P 探頭引出型溫度傳感器適用于設備外殼,母線槽外殼等多種場合。

The ATE300P probe lead out temperature sensor is suitable for various occasions such as equipment casings, bus duct casings, etc.


將傳感器主體在合適位置通過導軌或者扎帶捆綁的方式固定好;PT100 探頭通過螺絲、捆綁或

硅膠粘貼等方式固定。PT100 標配線長 2 米,孔徑 12mm。 Fix the sensor body in a suitable position by binding it with guide rails or straps; The PT100 probe isfixed by means of screws, bundling, or silicone bonding. The PT100 standard wiring is 2 meters long and has an aperture of 12mm.



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