



  • 公司名稱諸城市豐盛機械廠
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  • 更新時間2024/2/26 16:23:51
  • 訪問次數(shù)154



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Zhucheng Fengsheng Machinery Factory was founded in 1995 and was registered in 2002. Inthe machining industry, the technical force is very strong, the machining equipment is excellent, theproduction technology is advanced, and the testing facilities and after-sales service team are perfect,and the product quality is reliable. In 2006, the company has passed |S09001 :2008 quality systemcertification, and has the Dl and D2 manufacturing licenses for special equipment manufacturing in thePeople's Republic of China. Now covers an area of 18,446 square meters. The factory has 12,160 squaremeters, including 1020 square meters of office building and 150 square meters of technical developmentdepartment. It has certain design and development capabilities, and has 400T hydraulic press, bendingmachine, electrophoresis equipment, spraying equipment, assembly line, punching machine, grindingmachine and lathe. , drilling machine, CNC wire cutting and other processing equipment.Our factory mainly produces various types of computer program-controlled automatic spray gas-containing conditioning sterilization pot, computer program- controlled automatic double-layer hot watercirculation conditioning sterilization pot, computer program-controlled automatic double-pot parallelsterilization pot, semi-automatic double-layer hot water Circulating sterilization pot, single-layer semi-automatic (manual) horizontal sterilization pot, semi-automatic (manual) electric (steam) dual-purposesterilization pot, fully automatic (semi-automatic) fuel type sterilization pot, rotary sterilization pot,tilting, fixed steam There are two types of sandwich pots, gas woks, etc, more than one hundred modelsof products, mainly used for the sterilization of various meat products, soy products, egg products, cormn,eight-treasure porridge, dairy products, seafood, beverage products. The newly developed computer-controlled fully automatic conditioning sterilizer has been highly recognized in the use of many domesticjoint ventures and foreign-funded enterprises. The heat distribution in the pot is even, and the productsmeet the export standards of the US FDA and HACCP.The tenet of our company is: to seek common development with customers, create brilliance with

employees, win-win reciprocity, and be honest and eternal.

鹵制品高溫殺菌鍋 產品信息
電加熱殺菌鍋為圓筒形,由四個支座支著,鍋蓋和鍋身的銷緊是利用自銷楔合塊來完成,十對自銷楔合塊均勻分布而又分別固定在鍋蓋與轉環(huán)、轉環(huán)裝上活動式及固定滾輪裝置,使轉環(huán)轉動自如,本設備裝有排汽管、進水管、安全閥、壓力表、溫度計、排水管、排氣閥、液位計、電加熱棒、盛裝小車。加熱層有保溫材料,設計時考慮到傳熱面積和換熱效果達到規(guī)定殺菌要求,勞動強度低,生產效率高等優(yōu)點,很受用戶歡迎殺菌鍋從控制方式上分有四種:手動控制型:所有閥門和水泵均由手動控制,包括加水、升溫、保溫、降溫等工序。 電氣半自動控制型:壓力由電接點壓力表控制,溫度由傳感器(pt100)和進口溫控儀控制(精度為±1℃),降溫過程由人工操作。
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