


注射器與針頭的遠(yuǎn)程連接組件 (Remote Connection of Syringe and Needle)

  • 公司名稱北京賽諾思科學(xué)儀器有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間2024/9/29 7:16:29
  • 訪問次數(shù)11



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注射器與針頭的遠(yuǎn)程連接組件 (Remote Connection of Syringe and Needle)
注射器與針頭的遠(yuǎn)程連接組件 (Remote Connection of Syringe and Needle) 產(chǎn)品信息

Remote Connection of Syringe and Needle

With standard infusion pumps it is often necessary to dispense the liquid a distance away from where the syringe is mounted into the pump. A common technique for accomplishing this is by stretching a piece of PE 50 tubing over the end of the syringe needle. The problem with this approach is that the PE50 tubing is flexible and often difficult to prime. This adds elasticity to the system so when a dispense is attempted it is possible that the tubing will stretch or the trapped air bubble will compress instead of dispensing liquid from the needle. Hamilton has minimized these sources of error by selecting PEEK tubing which is designed to support high pressure and has almost no dead volume so it is simple to fully prime. Below are examples of four possible configurations that can be accomplished with these components.

1. Remote Needle Connection for 5uL- 100 µL syringes

1.1 To Glass Micropipette: Glass Capillary to PEEK Tubing to RN Syringes

- The products in this section are used to connect a glass capillary to PEEK tubing and then to a glass capillary.

- P/N: 55750-01 55751-01 55752-01

1.2 To Metal Needle:
RN metal needles to PEEK Tubing to RN Syringes

- The products in this section are used to connect an RN syringe to PEEK tubing.

- P/N: 55751-01

2. Remote Needle Connection for 0.5uL- 2 µL Syringes

2.1 To Glass Micropipette: Glass Capillary to PEEK Tubing to 7000 series KH Syringes
- The products in this section are used to connect 25 gauge 7000 series syringes to PEEK tubing and then to a glass needle.

- P/N: 55750-01 55751-01 55752-01 55753-01

2.2 To Metal Needle:
RN metal needles to PEEK Tubing to 7000 series KH Syringes

- The products in this section are used to connect a 7000 series syringe to PEEK tubing and then to an RN needle.

- P/N: 55752-01 55753-01

TEL: / / /


Dual Small Hub RN Coupler

Compatible with:Luer to RN adaptor (p/n 55753-01)

Pressure:100 psi

Dead Volume:10 µL

RN Compression Fitting 1/16 inch

Consists of: one large bore RN nut, 5 PFA ferrules, and 5 PEEK cup ferrules.

Compatible Syringes: These compression fittings are compatible with small hub removable needle syringes (2.5uL -100 uL).

Pressure: 100 psi

Inner Diameter: 1/16 inch

RN Compression Fitting 1 mm

Consists of:one large bore RN nut, 5 PFA ferrules, and 5 PEEK cup ferrules.

Compatible Syringes:These compression fittings are compatible with small hub removable needle syringes (2.5uL -100 uL).

Pressure:100 psi

Inner Diameter:1 mm

Luer to Small Hub RN Adaptor

Compatible Syringes: This luer small hub RN adaptor is compatible with 7000 series syringe.

Pressure:100 psi

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