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  • MVR蒸發(fā)器2

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  • 所在地 無錫市

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更新時間:2019-01-06 10:26:25瀏覽次數(shù):325




MVR蒸發(fā)器2but also reduces operating costs, is the traditional multi-effect evaporator the best upgrading system. With the country's emphasis on environmental protection and energy con


MVR蒸發(fā)器2MVR是蒸汽機(jī)械再壓縮技術(shù)(mechanical vapor recompression )的簡稱。
       MVR其工作過程是將低溫位的蒸汽經(jīng)壓縮機(jī)壓縮,溫度、壓力提高,熱焓增加,然后進(jìn)入換熱器冷凝,以充分利用蒸汽的潛熱。除開車啟動外,整個蒸發(fā)過程中無需生蒸汽從蒸發(fā)器出來的二次蒸汽,經(jīng)壓縮機(jī)壓縮,壓力、溫度升高,熱焓增加,然后送到蒸發(fā)器的加熱室當(dāng)作加熱蒸汽使用,使料液維持沸騰狀態(tài),而加熱蒸汽本身則冷凝成水。這樣原來要廢棄的蒸汽就得到充分的利用,回收潛熱,提高熱效率,生蒸汽的經(jīng)濟(jì)性相當(dāng)于多效蒸發(fā)的30效。為使蒸發(fā)裝置的制造盡可能簡單和操作方便,可使用離心式壓縮機(jī)、羅茨式壓縮機(jī)。這些機(jī)器在1:1.2到1:2壓縮比范圍內(nèi)其體積流量較高。 蒸發(fā)設(shè)備緊湊占地面積小所需空間也小。又可省去冷卻系統(tǒng)。對于需要擴(kuò)建蒸發(fā)設(shè)備而供汽,場地不夠的現(xiàn)有工廠供水能力不足,特別是低溫蒸發(fā)需要冷凍水冷凝的場合,可以收到既節(jié)省投資又取得較好的節(jié)能效果。
MVR is the abbreviation of mechanical vapor recompression.
MVR its work is the low temperature of the steam by the compressor compression, temperature, pressure increases, increased enthalpy, and then into the heat exchanger condensation, in order to take full advantage of the latent heat of steam. In addition to the start of the car, the entire evaporation process without the need for steam from the evaporator out of the secondary steam, the compressor compression, pressure, temperature increases, the enthalpy increases, and then sent to the evaporator heating chamber as heating steam, So that the feed liquid to maintain the boiling state, while the heating steam itself is condensed into water. So that the original steam to be abandoned to be fully utilized, the recovery of latent heat, improve thermal efficiency, raw steam economy is equivalent to multi-effect evaporation of 30 effect. For the manufacture of the evaporator as simple as possible and easy to operate, a centrifugal compressor, a Roots compressor may be used. These machines have a higher volume flow in the 1: 1.2 to 1: 2 compression ratio range. The compact space for the evaporation equipment is also small. But also save the cooling system. For the need to expand the evaporation equipment for the steam, the site is not enough existing plant water supply capacity, especially low-temperature evaporation needs of frozen water condensation occasions, you can receive both to save investment and achieve better energy efficiency.

MVR蒸發(fā)器的優(yōu)勢及特點(diǎn)/Advantages and Characteristics of MVR Evaporator
1, energy saving: the use of secondary steam preheating heating, no waste heat steam emissions, the equivalent of 8 efficiency evaporator efficiency.
2, environmental protection: equipment only need to preheat steam, then no heat, direct inverter motor can drive the compressor can be compressed compressor.
3, a high degree of automation: I designed the MVR evaporator automatic control system, the entire evaporator only in the control room can operate a person, reducing labor costs and improve product quality.
4, the compressor selection: evaporation of 0.2 ~ 2T general selection of low-speed Roots compressor, 2T above the choice of high-speed centrifugal compressor.

MVR蒸發(fā)器2應(yīng)用行業(yè)/MVR evaporator application industry
1, treatment of industrial wastewater (environmental protection)
Concentration of industrial wastewater and recycling of water. Such as electroplating industry, paint production industry, pharmaceutical and pesticide industry, metal processing industry, paper industry and crude oil production industry and other sewage treatment. Remove organic and inorganic salts from the effluent. Turning waste into treasure. How to solve the problem of high-salt industrial wastewater reuse is a well-known problem. MVR evaporator is the best solution to deal with such industrial wastewater.
2, chemical industry
Production of hollow fiber molecules, treatment of water, purification of spices, production of chemical raw materials such as sodium chlorite and sodium persulfate, desalination of seawater, concentration and crystallization of organic additives, refining of the extract, and analysis of the reaction product into Solvents and products.
3, the pharmaceutical industry
China's pharmaceutical industry, is a traditional industry, the use of a large number of aging, old evaporator, not only reduce the quality of drugs, but also a lot of waste of energy, the urgent need to upgrade to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. MVR is also used to produce western medicine for the evaporation, concentration, crystallization and drying of Chinese medicine.
4, the food industry
In the deep processing of food industry, a large number of evaporation technology to achieve the function of dehydration. Such as concentrated corn steep liquor and extraction of glucose, amino acids and so on. Extraction of isopropanol from pectin, extraction and concentration of aromatics, fractionation of food and fermented fragrances, refining of solvents
5, wine industry
Wine industry China is an ancient industry. MVR evaporator can replace the old distillation equipment.
6, the milk industry
Because the milk industry needs low temperature, high degree of cleanliness, high degree of automation and other characteristics of the traditional evaporator is difficult to meet these requirements, so have the MVR evaporator development opportunities.
7, the concentration of the beverage industry
Tomato sauce, peach pulp, apricot pulp, carrot pulp, apple pulp, kiwi pulp
In summary, MVR applications are very wide, so that the traditional multi-effect evaporator applications, MVR evaporator can also be replaced. MVR evaporator and traditional evaporator, not only has a great advantage of energy saving and environmental protection, but also reduces operating costs, is the traditional multi-effect evaporator the best upgrading system. With the country's emphasis on environmental protection and energy conservation and emission reduction policies, MVR evaporator will replace the traditional evaporator, for the national environmental protection, energy conservation and sustainable development play a huge role. But also to the enterprise to bring the actual social and economic benefits.



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