

  • 行業(yè)產(chǎn)品




參  考  價:23000
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1 23000元 100臺可售


更新時間:2021-05-23 14:32:22瀏覽次數(shù):490次

聯(lián)系我時,請告知來自 食品機械設(shè)備網(wǎng)




聯(lián)系人:劉夢迪 (銷售)

產(chǎn)地 國產(chǎn) 產(chǎn)品用途 切菜機切丁機切塊機切絲機切片機
電壓 380v 功率 1.1kw
凈重 104kg 適用范圍 其他
外形尺寸 950*800*950mm 自動化程度 全自動

品牌 型號 售后無憂 量身定制 節(jié)能環(huán)保,一站式采購
幫您解決煩惱:切片厚度不均 不小心切到手 切菜慢
產(chǎn)品特點(食品智能生產(chǎn)線):不銹鋼機身 多種機型 杜絕隱患 切片無憂



  山東祥云達工業(yè)裝備有限公司是肉制品、調(diào)味品、果蔬、水產(chǎn)品加工業(yè)中成套設(shè)備的供應(yīng)商,是以設(shè)計、制造、技術(shù)咨詢、售后服務(wù)為一體的現(xiàn)代化新型企業(yè)。公司素以“精心制作品質(zhì)的質(zhì)量方針為廣大用戶服務(wù)。竭盡做到服務(wù)周到,供貨及時,真誠熱忱歡迎客商**** 。

概述用途 :


二、 特點


1 主要結(jié)構(gòu)




品牌 型號 售后無憂 量身定制 節(jié)能環(huán)保,一站式采購
幫您解決煩惱:切片厚度不均 不小心切到手 切菜慢
產(chǎn)品特點(食品智能生產(chǎn)線的***):不銹鋼機身 多種機型 杜絕隱患 切片無憂
產(chǎn)品部件及特色:1 操作簡單,盡在掌控(操控,操作簡潔明了)
2 輸送帶更貼合(垂直進料,快捷方便)
3 不銹鋼機身(堅固,防腐蝕)






諸城廠家制造 安全可靠 質(zhì)量保障 售后無憂 支持定制

Shandong Xiangyunda Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. is a supplier of complete sets of equipment in the processing industry of meat products, condiments, fruits and vegetables, and aquatic products. It is a modern new type of enterprise integrating design, manufacturing, technical consultation and after-sales service. The company has always adhered to the quality policy of "exquisite production and quality" to serve the majority of users. We will do our best to provide thoughtful service and timely delivery. We sincerely welcome customers to call and negotiate.
Outline usage:
Model 80 digital vegetable cutter is a new vegetable cutter developed by our factory using digital technology. This machine is mainly used for cutting various stems and leaves of soft vegetables, as well as thin and long hard vegetables slices or shreds. It is an ideal processing equipment for making fresh vegetables and dehydrated vegetables in the vegetable processing industry.
2. Features
This machine uses a rotating cutter to cut all kinds of vegetables into sections or slices. It has the characteristics of good cutting surface quality, small length error of the cut vegetables, uniform slice thickness, fresh surface tissue, and no damage to fiber tissue. At the same time, the machine cuts High vegetable efficiency, convenient operation, low energy consumption and sanitation, it is an ideal equipment for vegetable processing industry
1 main structure
This vegetable cutting machine is mainly composed of frame, vegetable pressing part, vegetable conveying part, vegetable cutting part, transmission part, digital control circuit part, etc. The vegetable conveying support, vegetable pressing part, shell chassis, shell enclosure The main parts such as the frame guard plate are made of stainless steel, and the conveyor belt and the vegetable pressing belt are made of rubber material, which ensures that the long-term work is not rusty and does not corrode. Harmless and other characteristics, in line with the requirements of food processing machinery hygienic standards
2 working principle
When the vegetable cutting machine is working, the vegetables to be cut are placed on the vegetable conveying belt, and the vegetables are transported to the material inlet, and the high-speed cutting knife cuts them into fragments or slices.
product description:
Easy to operate, multiple specifications
Brand Model No worries after sale Tailor-made Energy saving and environmental protection, one-stop purchase
Help you solve your worries: uneven slice thickness accidentally cut vegetables slowly
Help you solve the problem at one time (Quickly cut vegetables with uniform thickness, helping you save time, manpower and material resources)
Product features (the pioneer of food intelligent production line): stainless steel body, multiple models, eliminate hidden dangers, worry-free slicing
The whole vegetable cutter is made of stainless steel, which is more efficient and firm. It is mainly used for cutting various stems and leaves of soft vegetables, as well as slicing, dicing or shredded slender hard vegetables. It is an ideal processing equipment for making fresh vegetables and dehydrated vegetables in the vegetable processing industry.
Application range: Application of fruits and vegetables
Product components and features: 1 Simple operation, all in control (control, simple and clear operation)
2 Conveyor belt fits better (vertical feeding, fast and convenient)
3 Stainless steel body (sturdy, anti-corrosion)
Company Profile:
    Shandong Xiangyunda Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. is a modern new enterprise integrating design and development, professional manufacturing, after-sales service and support. The company is committed to various foods such as various fruit and vegetable cleaning lines, low-temperature pasteurization lines, and fruit and vegetable drying lines. The tailor-made processing projects and the research and development and manufacturing of vacuum packaging equipment, vegetable cutters, sandwich pots, woks and other food machinery, through optimized solutions, professional suggestions, continuous innovation of products and services to help and support our The user reaches the goal.
        Xiangyunda started with standards and grades, pursued the corporate management philosophy of "people-oriented, customer-oriented, quality service for survival, technology and culture for development", and established a strong market-oriented sales mechanism. The perfect after-sales service system ensures that effective and fast services are provided within the scope.
       Shandong Xiangyunda Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. continuously innovates and develops new energy-saving, environmentally friendly and low-carbon equipment in order to build the food machinery industry. We are willing to provide users with high-quality products, good quality and perfect after-sales service, pay attention to your needs, exceed your expectations, and achieve the value of your brilliant career with our efforts.
Scope of application:
The multi-functional vegetable cutting machine produced by our company is cut by a spiral cutter. The cut surface is smooth, the thickness is uniform, the cut surface tissue is fresh, does not damage the fibrous tissue, the slice size is adjustable, and the aperture size can be customized.
The appearance of the machine is beautiful and elegant. The whole machine is made of stainless steel, which is easy to operate and has high output. It can reduce the labor of several people and greatly reduce labor costs. The slice range is 1-7mm, the slice thickness is adjustable, and it has a wide range of uses. It can cut Cistanche , Apples, pears, lemons, bananas, lotus roots, bitter gourds, cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplants and other vegetables and fruits that need to be cut into slices.
It is mainly composed of a frame, a rotary cutter head, a transmission part, a motor, and a discharge port. It is suitable for slicing medium-sized, long cylindrical materials (such as yam, lotus root, cassava, sweet potato (sweet potato), radish). The contact parts of the machine and agricultural products are made of stainless steel to ensure long-term work is not rusty, corrosion-free, non-toxic, and harmless, and meets the sanitary requirements of food processing machinery.
Installation and debugging:
Place the machine on a dry, ventilated level ground before use to ensure that the machine works smoothly and reliably. Before use, check all parts to check whether the fasteners are loose during transportation, whether the switch and power cord are damaged due to transportation, and whether there are foreign objects in the hopper or the material box. Check whether the power supply voltage is consistent with the voltage used by the machine. Extend the power cord, connect the yellow and green cores with the grounding symbol to the ground reliably, and connect the remaining three cores (two for single-phase motors) to the open load switch (knife switch) when it is disconnected. On the lead-out terminal. Open the front door before working, turn the turntable with your hand to observe whether there is any phenomenon of hitting the tool. If there is, loosen the tightening bolts on the turntable, move the turntable outwards slightly, and then tighten the tightening bolts. Close the open load switch and start the open button. Depending on whether the cutter is running in the correct direction, turn it counterclockwise from the feed inlet to be correct. Otherwise, adjust the power cord. After the cutter runs in the correct direction, run it without load, and there is no abnormality in all parts. The machine can be tested.
Use and operation:
Try cutting before normal work and observe whether the specifications of the cut vegetables are consistent with the requirements. Otherwise, the height of the blade and the turntable should be adjusted (or replaced), and normal work should be carried out after the adjustment is correct. The thickness of the slice is determined by the gap between the slice knife and the turntable, and the size change can be achieved by adjusting the slice knife.
Made by Zhucheng manufacturer, safe and reliable, quality assurance, worry-free after-sales, support customization


Equipment price parameters are for reference only. Our product prices will be calculated according to customer requirements and materials. Models, specifications, configurations are different, prices are different, and customization is supported. Please ask our customer service for details

關(guān)鍵詞:切菜機 輸送帶 夾層鍋


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