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MT-50 Semi-automatic Round Bottle Labeling Machine With Code Printer

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更新時間:2022-12-08 14:54:51瀏覽次數(shù):241次

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MT-50 Semi-automatic Round Bottle Labeling Machine With Code Printer


MT-50 Manual /Semiautomatic /Desktop Round Bottle Labeling Machine

Tired of putting labels on bottles with your hands? Tired of seeing those creases or bubbles stuck behind your label stickers? With an automatic labeling machine, this whole process can be made easy! The all-in-one LT-50D automatic labeling and coding machine for round bottles will make your bottle labeling a breeze!

This is an all-in-one machine, which means that it handles both labeling and label coding at the same time. Print the Best-Before dates and other information while labeling your bottles at the same time!

Different from others, you can use the electric button to adjust the label length, just as the picture. So you don't need to adjust the label length manually, which is an improvement.

It is suitable for labeling bottles of different sizes, and the labeling is done with no creases or bubbles. Get that clean and professional look every time. This will surely help with product competitiveness, and it will show quality to potential customers.

The machine prints the codes on the label during the process of labeling; saving you time and increasing work efficiency. It can label and code around forty bottles per minute.

Being of modular design, maintenance and replacement of parts is very easy.


1. Suitable for labeling round bottle of different sizes

2. Capable of labeling up to 50 bottles per minute.

3. The position of the bottle is adjustable

4. Labeling has no bubbles or creases when applied.

5. Modular design, convenient maintenance, and low cost of repairs.

6. Automatic labeling and dispensing. Operation is easy.

7. The code printer codes the label directly during the labeling process. Get more done in less time!

8. You can customize what the coder prints on your label.

9. The position of the code printer and the printing sensor is adjustable.

For all your replacement part needs, please send an to: ipackall

Technical Specifications




220V 50Hz/110V60Hz



Label speed

25-50 pcs/min

Label accuracy


Inner Label Roller diameter

≥ Φ75mm

Max. Outer Label Roller diameter

≤ Φ 350mm

Product Size Range

Φ 15mm-Φ120mm

Width of Label

Max: W150 mm*L250 mm

Min: W20 mm*L25 mm



Machine Size


Gross weight


Note: This machine can does not work with transparent label. Please use only translucent-backed label rolls.

Operational Instructions:

  1. After assembly and loading your label roll, you will want to first determine the size of the bottle that you will be labeling.

  2. Once the bottle size has been determined, you will want to adjust the screws on either side of the roller that is on the PRESS LEVER, which is the part of the machine which you pull down to activate the labeler.

  3. Adjusting these screws, you can move the roller to a position in relation to the LABEL ROLLER that will help ensure that the bottle is securely pressed against the LABEL ROLLER when the machine activates, ensuring that the labeling process will work properly.

  4. Adjust the screws on either side of the BOTTLE-HOLDING ROLLER, which is the roller opposite of the LABEL ROLLER. Once the screws are loosened, you can adjust the position of the BOTTLE-HOLDING ROLLER so that your bottle will be properly held in place while you press down the PRESS LEVER and activate the labeling machine.

  5. Next, you will want to adjust the TOUCH SCREW. This is the screw at the base of the PRESS LEVER. You will notice that on the same side of the machine, the TOUCH SCREW (When the PRESS LEVER is pressed down) will make contact with a SWITCH. By adjusting the TOUCH SCREW, you can determine how soon the machine activates when you press down the PRESS LEVER. Adjust accordingly to the size of the bottle you’re labeling.

  6. Now that the rollers are adjusted, it is time to adjust the STRIPPING BOARD. That is the flat plate that’s positioned very close to the LABEL ROLLER. At the base of the STRIPPING BOARD, on the side of the machine, you’ll find its screws. Loosen them and adjust so that the STRIPPING BOARD is as close to the LABEL ROLLER as possible without touching. This helps ensure that the labels come off their paper backing and adhere to the bottle properly.

  7. Last but not least, adjust the SENSOR and the SENSOR PANEL on the machine. The SENSOR is the small black part in the machine suspended over the motor. You will want to adjust its position to conveniently hold the labels as they go from one end of the machine to the roller/bottle end. Next, make sure the SENSOR is adjusted to be placed over the break in the labels (the white spaces between the labels). Next, adjust the SENSOR PANEL’s sensitivity so that the SENSOR will be able to tell when it’s sensing a label and when it is sensing a break. This will ensure that the machine will only use one label with every press of the PRESS LEVER.

  8. Important: Make sure that the label roll is aligned with BOTH the SENSOR and the CODER or improper labeling can occur.
  9. NY-824 has been more and more popular in market, which would be as replacement of MT-50 simple model. Hot selling item !!!



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