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來源:青島振坤食品機械有限公司   2023年10月10日 10:19   353
    Main Features
    A:Without any adjustment, the skewer will be placed in center automatically with high speed.
    B:設計非常緊湊的空間有限。所以你可以設置本機的任何地 方和任何需要擔心的工作空間。
    B: Designed very compact for limited space. So you can set up the machine any where and no need to worry about the working space.
    C: 沒有必要擔心加入機到目前的生產(chǎn)線。前和結束輸送可以 設計適合你的生產(chǎn)線。
    C: No need to worry about adding the machine into the current process line. Front and end conveyor can be designed to fit your process line.
    D: 可調多種尺寸的變化和一些簡單的調整轉子香腸。
    D: Adjustable for variety of sizes with the change of sausage rotor and some easy adjustment.
    E: 本部分包含或接觸產(chǎn)品的移動。任何人都可以拆卸,清洗 消毒方便無工具或設備。這是非常衛(wèi)生的設計。
    E: The parts which contain or touch the product are removable. Anyone can disassemble, wash and sanitize easily without tools or any equipment. It is very hygienically designed.
    F:機器將能夠飼料產(chǎn)品的產(chǎn)品包裝線添加選項“集產(chǎn)品供給單 元與輸出傳送帶計數(shù)器”。
    F:The machine will be able to feed the product to the product wrapping line with adding the option of "set number product feeding unit with counter" to output conveyor.
    Machine Spec
    A:處理速度:18000系列/小時,高規(guī)格,14000系列/小時 的標準規(guī)范。
    A:Processing speed: 18000 / hour, high specification, Standard Specification for 14000 series / hour.
    B: 電源:ac200v/ac100v,50 /60赫茲,單相
    B: Power: ac200v / AC100V, 50 / 60 Hz, single-phase
    C: 完成機械不需要氣動
    C: Complete do not require mechanical pneumatic
    D: 機器尺寸:1960mm×1485mm×八百五十毫米(長×側×深 度)
    D: Machine size: 1960mm x 1485mm x eight hundred and fifty mm ( long x side x depth )
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